School Crests

school-crestSchool Crests look great on diplomas.

This 8 1/2 x 11 inch diploma features the school name printed with raised ink. The School Crest is also printed with raised ink and color foiling. This added process makes the image visually  jump off the page.

Having and using a school logo not only adds a sense of legacy but also conveys a sense of academic excellence. Read more about the use of the right visual image to represent your educational institution in this article. A school crest, logo, seal or emblem expresses your school’s identity. It invokes a sense of history and pride too.

School logos can also be used on diploma covers. We can create a custom die of your school logo which is then foil stamped onto covers. Another option is the use of monochrome or full color laser printing on the covers.

Talk to a Graduation Ink team member to find the best options for adding School Crests to your diploma order today.