How to Download a Print Quality Canva File for Use With Graduation Ink

Step 1. Click on ‘Share’ in the top right and a drop-down will appear. Then you can click on ‘Download’ and you will see some options in the ‘File type’ menu.

Step 2. You’ll want to select ‘PDF Print’. If your Design has fonts or colors from Canva Pro or there are placed images (like pictures), you can check the ‘Flatten PDF’ box. This will flatten your artwork and preserve the text and artwork but this will also rasterize most of your artwork (convert to pixels). We would only suggest saving this way for print files (front, back) and not mask files.

For Color Profile, select CMYK.

In order to retain the Vector file (shapes) then you can download the file from this point without checking any boxes. Retaining a Vector file is important if you are ordering something that requires a sharp printed file.